After my previous month of hauling in my April Low-Buy, may was a month of resisting temptations! I did add a few products to my stash, namely, I went hairspray crazy:

I ran out of hairspray completely as well as I always feel uneasy whenever I don’t even have a back-up in my stash! Here’s exactly how the month went:


As mentioned, I felt compelled to buy 3 cans of hairspray in the month of May:
• Garnier Fructis style Hold & flex ultimate manage Spray
• Garnier full & luxurious huge volume Spray
• Schwarzkopf Crystal radiate Hair Spray
I bought the Garnier eco-friendly one when it went on sale for $5 which was a great offer (they’re normally $9 here).  I had heard great things about this product from GymBagMakeup as well as Amy of TheMakeupCase. however then the extremely next week, the cost dropped down further to $4 so I chosen up the pink one to try too. I’ve been utilizing the eco-friendly one as well as it’s quite great – it doesn’t leave a sticky residue or crunchiness on the hair. I discovered the Schwarzkopf one on clearance for $4 so I believed I’d provide it a try too. Phew, now I am at a comfortable level of hairspray stash!

• Butter London nail Lacquer in Hush-Hush
Hand on my heart, I did NOT buy this for myself. My coworker chosen it up for me one day, randomly. She told me she was at Marshalls as well as saw this as well as understood that I liked Butter London polishes as well as this appears like a “Stashy [but my genuine name] shade”. She understands me so well!

• Paula’s option withstand Anti-Aging Serum foundation Matte in level 2
I likewise did not purchase this – it’s really not a new item. My good friend bought this as well as disliked it so much however didn’t want to throw it away after only a few utilizes so she asked if I was thinking about trying it. She understands I’m always game. I tried it when so far as well as I can state that it’s a tricky foundation to work it – it’s rather liquidy as well as wishes to settle into every pore as well as line. It does wear extremely well with the day though. I’ll have to experiment more – with different primers or mixing it with other foundations.

That’s it for beauty associated items. I did haul a bit of garments in may though, since the garments store reveal revealed that they were closing all 17 places in Canada. Yet one more American brand who couldn’t make it work in Canada! I came to truly like Express’ Columnist ankle pants, of which I own about 8 pairs in different colours. So I added a couple more to my wardrobe with these (they were buy one get one 50% off):

• Mid increase Plaid Columnist ankle Pant

• Mid increase Tweed Columnist ankle Pant

I likewise ended up buying a pair of their extreme stretch skinny Pants, which are made from a nice thick material as well as had genuine pocket outlining (instead of those faux pockets that’s prominent with jeggings – I discover they look so cheap). whatever at reveal is now 40-60% off however the store is rather chosen over. I’m glad I grabbed these before they offered out of my size!

I haven’t shopped much at Uniqlo yet since its opening as well as one night my SO as well as I were killing time as well as decided to search around. I ended with the 2 items:

• Pleated jersey Sleeveless gown in Navy
This includes a coordinating slip skirt since the material is rather sheer. This was only $40 as well as truly great high quality for the price! I used this to a dinner banquet with a cardigan as well as it looked method more costly than it is (no, I did not rock sneakers like the design did!)

• AIRism storage tank top in Beige
I wear a camisole beneath almost whatever as well as I decided to provide this a try. Páči sa mi to! It keeps me great as well as feels like I’m using nothing. I extremely suggest this as well as I’m getting a lot more in other colours!

Marks & Spencer
And lastly, perhaps the most tiring item… SOCKS. I got it in my head that I requirement all new black socks for work (the elastic on the cuffs of mine were all getting loose, I dislike that!) as well as I decided that marks & Spencers must make the very best socks so I took a possibility as well as put an order on the internet (M&S utilized to have stores in Canada however they exited the market in 1999, sadly). I wished to try a range of high qualities of socks so I ordered 4 types:

This is what $50 worth of black socks looks like! I got 18 pairs of black socks. My experience buying on the M&S site was excellent – they ship with DHL as well as I got my parcel within two DAYS of ordering! shipping is free with $50 minimum purchase as well as there were no duties. The M&S site displayed whatever in Canadian dollars which made it simple to shop. I’ll likely order more from M&S in the future!

There were so many compelling offers in may that I had to bury my head in the sand a bit so I wouldn’t succumb to them. I really restricted my usage of blogs / sociálna sieť, takže by som nebol zaplavený!

Tarte 7-dielna Kozmetická súprava

Môže začať s jedným z najpôsobivejších obchodov! Dňa 4. mája, len pre jedného dňa, Tarte propagoval tento 7-PC Custom Sada pre iba C $ 84! V závislosti od toho, čo ste si vybrali, hodnota bola takmer 3x cena. Bol som soooo v pokušení, hovorím vám! Objavoval som len o tejto ponuke z FAILZERO – Rovnako bola nájdená tam bola extra $ 10 off kód, ktorý pracoval na tejto ponuke. Dokonca som vytvoril svoju vlastnú vlastnú sadu na Tarte site, ako aj pridané čo v košíku, ako aj potom zatvorené kartu. Skontrolujte túto veselú výmenu medzi päťzera, rovnako ako ja vo svojom príspevku.
Prečo to nepožadujem toto práve teraz: Nebol som ani na trhu pre akýkoľvek typ make-upu z Tarte, nevadí, nevadí Unicorn Cosmetic Case! Bol som len lákať vynikajúcou dohodou. Môžem online sprostredkovane s päťzerami – skontrolovať svoju nákladnú dopravu.


Ešte jedna ponuka, ktorú som bol upozornený na päťzera! Byť v Kanade, som vždy na pozore zadarmo na celom svete lodné ponuky, rovnako ako Colourpop nielenže však mal Avšak aj 3 očné tiene za $ 10 (pravidelne sú 5 dolárov každý, takže je to ako kúpiť 2 dostať 1 zadarmo).

Ponuka sa používa na super šok, ako aj tiene lisované práškové. Ugh, očné tiene sú moje zverák!
Prečo si to nepožadujem toto práve teraz: Urobil som práve nedávno vyhrať niekoľko farebných tlačových očných tieňov, plus, vlastníte niekoľko super šokových očných tieňov (že hipphylip poslal ku mne!) Verím, či som nemal Akýkoľvek typ očných tieňov Colourpopu, ktoré som podľahol tejto ponuke! Avšak som bol schopný prekonať obe tieto pokušenia, však nie vďaka päťzeru …

Charlotte Tilbury Beauty žiariť okamžitý pohľad v palete

Programu to bolo od publikovania mačky na túto nádhernú paletu! Chcel som kombináciu typu all-in-one pre cestovanie. Najbližší, ktorý vlastním, je Bareminerals REGAL šatníková paleta. Skutočne sa mi páči oko tiene v kombinácii BM sa však nepáči problém s práškami. Z toho, čo počujem, kombinácia Charlotte Tilbury je úžasná vysoká kvalita všade okolo!
Prečo to nepožadujem toto práve teraz: Predpokladám, že môžem urobiť s kombináciou Bareminerals teraz! Čoskoro neplánujem žiadny typ hlavných ciest, takže to nie je urgentná “potreba”.

Tak som zostal v obmedzení mojich pravidiel bez nákupu na máj. Som ešte jeden mesiac bez make-up / starostlivosti o pleť ešte raz na jún! presne ako boli vaše náklady minulý mesiac?

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Páči sa ti to:
Rovnako ako načítanie …


November 2016 Low-buy účtovnosti. November Low-Kúpiť bol skôr ako go-kúpiť … myslím, čo som čakal? SEPHORA VIB Predaj a čierny piatok – prečo museli byť spolu v presne rovnakom mesiaci? Radi som si kúpil nejaké veci z víťazov, ako aj Avon. : Oops: Sephora Vib Predaj Haul Počítanie iba make-up položky, s …
6. decembra 2016in “Krása”

Február 2017 No-buy-low-buy účtovnostiFersfebruary je pre mňa no-buy! Spomenul som v mojom januárovej zodpovednosti publikovať, že ak všetko pôjde dobre tento mesiac, nemal by som čo ukázať. No, február išiel dobre, ale mám 3 veci, ktoré sa majú ukázať: som si nekúpil žiadny typ týchto produktov sám, prisahám! Môj priateľ…
6. marec 2017in “Krása”

Trash Stash: September, rovnako ako október 2016i preskočili septembrové zásoby, pretože post-dovolenka letargia, ako aj prehodnotenie môjho života: prečo nie som na dovolenke ešte? Prečo niekto dokonca premýšľa o pohľade na moju krásu? Prečo som tu? Potom som z toho vyrazil, ako aj vrátil sa do hojdačky …
1. november 2016in “Krása”

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